Build engagement between physicians, Patients and pharma

Achieve better patient outcomes with global FDA drug data and an enterprise-level AI assistant trained on your EHR that relieves the burden of Prior Authorization.

Meet GENIUS, your clinical intelligence extended.

Current Issues hindering true insights

In meetings, critical product data is exchanged between reps and physicians. Entering this data in current BI tools breaks the natural flow of conversation.

This leads to medical liaisons and reps relying on memory recall - after the engagement - to enter all data into their apps which leads to a host of issues -including over 50% data loss.

What can your team do with that extra 50% of data that is not lost?

It’s called the  "Forgetting Curve,” proposed by Hermann Ebbinghaus, which suggests that memory retention decreases exponentially over time if there is no attempt to retain the information.

On top of this, we are prone to false memories. One reason is that we are biased toward remembering tidy endings for events, even if they didn't exist.

A key driver of false memories is the brain's bias to recall events in ways that conform to what usually happens. Thus, we can misremember events that don't fit with how the brain expects them to play out.


your second brain, super intelligent assistant

Need to know your product’s true insights at the clinic level?

Ask GENIUS —the natural language AI agent that connects to your data in seconds.

Paired with our intuitive data modeling dashboard, GENIUS makes it easy to access your clinical data so that pharma medical liaisons, reps, and physicians can make smarter, patient-focused decisions faster.

A true self-serve platform is now available. Not a free-for-all, but a clean repository of domain knowledge.

Available 24/7.

Ask it questions, get the correct answers

GENIUS gives physicians access to a custom AI agent that never sleeps.

Ensures accuracy with no hallucinations (meaning you can trust stuff isn’t being made up by the AI agent). And it delivers this data fast.

GENIUS is a self-serve, voice-enabled analytics tool that helps physicians answer the deeper questions they have about your data. From drug interactions to comorbidities and everything in between, it connects all your product domain knowledge at their fingertips.

The LLM (Large Language Model) allows comprehension, while the semantic layer ensures correctness, delivered in a beautiful UI via web, app, and a voice-enabled assistant.

GENIUS unlocks your data’s potential for real-world clinical use saving both reps and physicians time and achieving better patient outcomes.

Why GENIUS makes sense

It’s built for speed. Unlike 4 days asking your science team, 4 hours searching current BI tools - try 4 seconds by asking GENIUS.

It provides true on-demand insights. Field Reps and Medical Liaisons have access to an AI-intelligent agent that’s voice-enabled - ready to take instant notes. Best of all, that data then connects to your current BI tools such as Veeva and Salesforce.

Physicians have access to your product domain knowledge - at the time they need it. Imagine not having to research hours or days later for the answers. Talk about drastically improving patient outcomes.

True insights at the time you need it

The power is now at your fingertips - and voice.

Designed for physicians, data nerds, and normal people alike, GENIUS is the only fully-featured voice-enabled AI agent that combines your current BI tools and allows self-serve exploration, all powered by a next-gen custom multi-LLM, multi-agent framework.

Our parent company, Attainalytics, works on the enterprise level with pharmaceutical companies in order to evaluate and design the architecture of the Large Language Model (LLM) and customize the Semantic Layer to ensure accuracy, dimensionality, and hierarchy - so as to not produce hallucinations typically found in many applications.

GENIUS is your intelligent, learning AI agent designed specifically to work on the clinic level - at the doctor’s office - where reps and physicians meet to ensure knowledge transfer.

GENIUS is your second brain. A true co-pilot.

Genius AI Clinic Integrations

ensures all your cloud services meet the stringent HIPAA and SOC 2 privacy and security standards

Deployable on Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, or a private cloud environment based on your evaluation.

What is a Semantic Layer? And why is it so important?

A semantic layer is a business representation of corporate data that helps end users access data autonomously using common business terms managed through business semantics management. A semantic layer maps complex data into familiar business terms such as product, customer, or revenue to offer a unified, consolidated view of data across the organization.

By using common business terms, rather than data language, to access, manipulate, and organize information, a semantic layer simplifies the complexity of business data. Business terms are stored as objects in a semantic layer, which are accessed through business views.

This must be done at the enterprise level - and has to be universal. Universal from a data perspective, but a protocol perspective as well.

Pharmaceutical companies are missing out by not customizing this for the use of partner physicians.

Data-driven companies are realizing tangible results


Are using data across their organization to reimagine products and services.


Are seeing tangible and measurable value from their data (e.g.) operational excellence, enhanced engagement, and innovative services.


Are using data as a business case to reduce internal reporting and operational costs.

only 32%

The companies interviewed by Accenture Research are realizing tangible and measurable value from their data.


According to a study by CB Insights, they looked at how prepared the top 50 pharmaceutical companies are to adapt to a rapidly evolving AI landscape across 3 key pillars: talent, execution, and innovation.

Bottom line - there is a lot of work ahead.

Pharma AI Readiness Score
Pharma AI Readiness Score
Pharma AI Readiness Score

Through GENIUS, We Make AI Work for Patients, PHYSICIANS AND pharma

Get Started

See how the GENIUS AI can become your super-intelligent, second brain for your organization. Get started now by filling in the form to get an evaluation.

You’ll learn how using our next-generation AI cognitive architecture - that evolves with your team and your physician network’s needs - will make a true difference to patient healthcare outcomes.